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Factors That Affect Drug Prices

When a patient goes to visit their doctor they are given prescription drugs that help in curing their illness. In cases where a patient has a complex illness then they are likely to be prescribed an expensive drug that will enable them to get well. There has been measures that have been undertaken to ensure that there are affordable drugs for patients. It is important to note that a patient should always seek the guidance of the doctor who treats them to ensure that they do not take drugs that may negatively impact their health.

Drugs need to be available to the patients that require to use them at any given time. In some cases, drugs are unavailable to most people due to low production or various sanctions that are put up by the governments of different nations. When the drug prices are high it becomes impossible for the patients in need to have the necessary drugs that they require to get cured.

The government of any country has external connections that they are required to maintain at all times especially to ensure they manage to make the healthcare sector is successful. Suppliers are required to bring products to areas which are favorable to them and do not cause loss at any given time. The unavailability of raw materials makes it possible for the people to have less drug available in the market which may cause the drug prices to rise. The interests of the suppliers who are internal and external should be protected at all times.

This is because the private sector in most cases are people who are seeking to make profit and are not majorly concerned about the well-being of the patients. Also, since the patients pay the cost in cash they tend to feel the heaviness of the matter, however, in public facilities the patients are able to receive services at subsidized costs. It is important to note that the quality of health services to patients determines their attitudes towards the facility and the provided drugs.

Finally, the drug prices are also affected by the skills possessed by the physicians and doctors who prescribe the drugs to patients. Cheap drugs are associated with common illnesses which are easily treated and do not cause any damage to the patients’ body. The patients will be treated well if the doctors are able to do courses regularly that empower them to handle their patients with care.

In cases where the patients cannot afford them there should be a strategy established to ensure that no patient suffers in pain because they are not able to afford the prices set for the drugs.

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