An Overview of Popular Mixed Media Artwork Forms
Art is evolving through the years as different creative minds and artists have emerged from various parts of the world. There are different kinds of art forms that you can find around you. As the early twentieth century came about, mixed media art has become a popular art form. Even art history scholars noted that cubist collage first came around the year 1911 from painters Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso. Picasso debuted his art piece called Still Life with Chair Caning in 1912 as the first toe employ mixed media art. At this time, this work of art was considered daring for its use of paste paper, oil cloth, and oil on canvas to imitate chair caning. In the years that followed, many artists have slowly broken away from the traditional forms of painting. That is why more and more art pieces being showcased around the world by artists contain three-dimensional objects using different perspectives and sides. Mixed media art is the combination of various art media within a single piece of art.
In this modern day and age, it is not that hard to find art pieces that utilize mixed media art. There are even different forms of mixed media artwork that you can find out there. Some of these forms are highly sought after than others, and this article will give you an overview of some of them.
Collage art is a good example of mixed media artwork. It is an art that involves the process of cutting and pasting paper, photos, ribbons, buttons, and several other objects to create a unique art piece. A collage can be created on paper, canvas, or wood. Combining some drawing and painting techniques is also something that many collage artists do so that they can come up with more unique mixed media artworks. The creation of collage pieces among aspiring and professional artists is often done so that they can sell the designs that they have finished as a piece of art. For these artists, they often start their work using a piece of wood or a blank, white-colored canvas. The artist will choose their materials based on their preference and how they want the final art piece to look when it is on the wall. The final design of any mixed media artwork has an overall theme that comes from various resources. In just one design of any mixed media collage piece, you will get a modern or abstract feel to them as different words, photos, and shapes are included in them.
Another popular form of mixed media artwork is installation art. With this art form, artists will be utilizing their surroundings as well as the participation of the viewers. The aim of this mixed media art form is to change how the viewer experiences a certain environment like a public space or room. Installation art is an interesting art form that involves the use of various media like adding sculpture and painting to sound recordings or video presentations. This art form is much larger than the typical sculpture or collage, though.